Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes Pre Order Bonus UPDATED

Metal Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes Pre Order Bonus

From Fox, 2 phantoms were born...

"Your favorite song... Nicola, Bart — immigrants, wrongly executed... But their deaths served as a message to others: that ours is a guild that murders the innocent. Do y'all, as well, believe that your sacrifice volition change the world?"

Skull Confront

Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes is a stand up-solitary prologue to the Metal Gear Solid 5 feel. It was released for consoles on March 18, 2014 in N America, March 20 in Europe and Japan, and March 27 in Australia. The PC version was released worldwide on Steam on Dec 18, 2014.

In 1975, legendary mercenary Snake (a.k.a. Large Boss) goes on a mission to excerpt former allies Paz Ortega Andrade and Ricardo "Chico" Valenciano Libre from a U.S. naval prison house facility in Republic of cuba. Paz in particular is Snake'due south simply lead on the whereabouts of "Cipher", an American black ops group note founded by Snake'south former C.O., Major Zero that targeted him during the Peace Walker Incident. Unfortunately, both were captured past Cipher's mysterious XOF unit, who finish interrogating the pair and depart before long before Snake arrives.

Followed past Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain, released a yr later. Please note that there are marked spoilers for it in these pages.

Tropes nowadays in Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes:

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  • 100% Completion: Your completion ratio is given as a pct at the championship screen. The chief story mission makes up 10 percent with the rest being divided amongst the side ops, extra ops, and trials.
  • Activeness Prologue: To The Phantom Pain. It isn't essential to play Basis Zeroes to enjoy The Phantom Hurting, but it serves to tease the main plot, allows players to become a experience for the darker tone, and as a refresher on the Large Boss timeline.
  • Alternating Continuity: "Jamais Vu" is explicitly stated to have taken place in a different universe than the primary game, which is obvious when you account for the sudden advent of the Snatchers and the fourth dimension-travelling cyborg.
  • Alternate Timeline: Discussed in the prologue description text for "Jamais Vu". It states that given the size of the universe it is not improbable to presume that any number of branching timelines could exist at the same fourth dimension, making it then that whatever given reality could be merely as existent as the other, simultaneously existing and not existing at the aforementioned time, existing in its own reality only not in that other reality.
  • And Your Reward Is Clothes: Both Actress Ops feature their own fix of alternate skins that tin can only be used in those missions. The "Deja Vu" mission allows players to control low-polygon renditions of Solid Snake and the Cyborg Ninja from the starting time Metallic Gear Solid in add-on to the standard Snake, while "Jamais Vu" has players decision-making the cyborg version of Raiden from Metal Gear Rising in one of three available color schemes (default, White and Inferno).
  • Anti-Frustration Features:
    • If (and more probable when) your chopper is spotted past the Marines when ex-filtrating after a mission, information technology doesn't count every bit an Enemy Combat Alert.
    • Reflex Manner and the respective differentiation between being Discovered and an Enemy Gainsay Alarm note neutralizing all guards who Discovered yous during the slowdown prevents an Enemy Gainsay Alarm, which is what'southward actually counted against one'due south score are meant as 1; although being Discovered with Reflex Style enabled does forfeit a No Reflex bonus, that'due south withal meliorate for one'due south score than the penalty from each Enemy Combat Alert.
  • Art Development: Commented in both Extra Ops. When the player contacts Miller while observing the logo of a mainline Metal Gear championship, he will country the number of pixels or polygons that Snake'south sprite or model was made of in that particular installment.
  • Artifact Title: One of 2 Metallic Gear games that do not characteristic some iteration of the eponymous Humongous Mecha - the Shagohod from Snake Eater was actually a competitor with the Metal Gear project. ZEKE is mentioned in passing by Huey, but never actually seen.
  • Creative License – Armed forces: Several examples, nigh notably knockoff woodland design the Marines wear (it'south woodland design, but with a coloration like to that of modern-day AOR2) instead of the menses appropriate ERDL pattern that was USMC issue from Vietnam to 1981 when the M81 BDU was issued, as well as some of the Marines sporting rather... relaxed facial grooming. The enemies are interchangeably referred to equally soldiers and Marines, sometimes inside the aforementioned sentence. Also the utilize of "Repeat" over comms notation "Repeat" is used to tell artillery to repeat the fire mission. The right term is "Say once more?" , and when the Marine fireteams contact CP (Command Post) CP is the one who says "Out." (More correctly, the Marine patrol would say "Out" to bespeak that they were done sending traffic.)
  • Back for the Dead: Paz, who dies earlier she can reveal crucial information on XOF and Zip. The Phantom Pain also reveals that Chico died in the helicopter crash.
  • Pocketbook of Spilling:
    • The nuke-armed Metal Gear ZEKE that MSF builds in Peace Walker is explained away by the U.N. inspection; MSF dumped ZEKE and their nuclear weapon underwater to securely hibernate them, which explains why Snake can't use nuclear leverage come The Phantom Hurting.
    • Snake's loadout for the rescue mission is described as "the bare essentials" to minimise disruption, meaning that he tin't utilize whatever of the flashier equipment that was available in Peace Walker.
    • Female parent Base'southward destruction justifies why none of your gear from Peace Walker carries over. Not that it matters, since you lot somewhen get to develop weapons and equipment that far surpass what the old Mother Base was capable of, anyway.
      • Subverted with the Carl Gustav Fulton. It was eventually added to The Phantom Pain in an update.
  • Big Bad: Skull Face, the commander of the mysterious paramilitary group XOF, which kidnapped Paz and Chico and destroys Mother Base at the finish.
  • Big Damn Heroes: At the end of the main story mission, Snake's chopper flies in to rescue Miller and the surviving MSF forces as Mother Base breaks apart.
  • Large "NO!": Snake and Chico do this when Paz jumps out of the helicopter.
  • Boring Even so Practical: By far the easiest way to S-Rank the "Destroy the Anti-Air Emplacements" mission is to A-Rank information technology first, and then replay the mission with the provided rocket launcher, taking the emplacements out from the starting point.
  • Bottomless Magazines:
    • Averted. As Serpent continues firing at the XOF troops during their assault on Mother Base, his gun runs out of ammo, and he angrily tosses it down earlier grabbing Miller'south manus.
    • Played with when Snake sits into the helicopter. The chopper has an infinite supply of ammo for whatever weapons Snake uses, and then weapons can be reloaded indefinitely. While Snake's reserve ammo is not topped off, the player tin can however exploit this for infinite tranquiliser pistol rounds (which are hard to come past compared to assault rifle rounds) past constantly calling for a chopper and reloading information technology.
  • Broad Strokes: The side ops in Basis Zeroes are set a few months before the primary mission, but they're "pseudo-historical recreations", implying they might have happened differently, and — most importantly — in another place, than what is actually depicted in the game.
  • Call-Back:
    • In Chico'south Tape 1, later Chico is caught by a camp guard, some clattering is heard, then a brusque clip from "Honey Deterrence" annotation Paz'due south theme song and final boss theme of Peace Walker is heard playing before being shut off.
    • The eponymous character from the Intel Operative Rescue mission is none other than Hideo, who had a S rank in Intel when recruited in Peace Walker.
    • The "Classified Intel Acquisition" side-op is given to MSF by the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff. Snake has been acquainted with their unnamed chairman throughout the previous prequels, having met him during the award ceremony at the cease of Snake Eater, and later on on when Snake contacted him via telephone to cease the retaliation confronting Peace Walker'southward imitation nuke launches.
  • Telephone call-Forwards: In the opening of the story mission, Miller repeats a line from Colonel Campbell in Metal Gear Solid.

    Miller: First-class, Serpent. Historic period hasn't slowed you down one bit.

    • In a side-mission, after rescuing Hideo Kojima, Snake puts on his glasses and Kojima asks "Snake, what took y'all so long?" annotation unless you Due south-ranked, in which case he says "Serpent, that was perfect.", echoing a scene in Episode 1 of The Phantom Pain where Ophidian rescues Miller in Transitional islamic state of afghanistan (which was shown at the E3 2013 trailer at the time).
  • Catchphrase:

    Snake: Kept you waiting, huh?

  • Chekhov's Gun: The U.N. Inspection, which is a front for XOF's attack on Mother Base.
  • The Chessmaster: Skull Face up'due south program is to deliver a crushing blow against MSF and pivot the blame on Cipher, leading the two to destroy one another.
  • Cliffhanger: The ending of Ground Zeroes. Paz explodes as she falls out of the helicopter Snake is in, causing it to spiral and collide with another helicopter. Cue a Fade to White, some information regarding the firsthand backwash of the event, a timeline, a monologue by Skull Face, and the credits, along with a short preview of the next game. Completing side missions and obtaining the other tapes alleviate this a bit by establishing that Skull Face up is rebelling confronting Cipher, and he interrogates Paz nigh the organization besides equally its owner, Zero. This also ends on a cliff hanger of its ain when Paz agrees, knowing that it can save Ophidian, and the scene cuts when she begins her explanation.
  • Convenient Coma: Ophidian falls into a coma for 9 years after massive physical trauma, assuasive for a convenient time skip from 1975 to 1984.
  • Collection Sidequest: Finding all nine XOF badges in the principal story mission unlocks the Deja Vu or Jamais Vu actress-op, depending on the version. At that place'south besides an achievement for collecting all 19 cassette tapes scattered throughout most of the 7 missions.
  • Continuity Column: In the "Déjà Vu" extra op, there are tons of references to other games in the series, particularly the very first Metal Gear Solid.
    • The main objective is to "relive" scenes from MGS1 through sure set pieces. Specifically: the Hind D, running out on the open helipad, the final escape scene, blowing upwards the tank with a grenade, looking at a surveillance photographic camera, the Moai head, and Psycho Mantis' HIDEO blackout.
    • To complete the mission, the player must crawl under an open vent inside the administration edifice. This is how Solid Snake infiltrates the Tank Hangar in MGS1.
    • Attempting to rescue the 2 hostages causes them to die in a way similar to Kenneth Bakery and Donald Anderson from MGS1. Meeting both will produce a pocket-sized scene where FOXDIE attempts to disrupt the game only is shut out by the FOX Engine.
    • A rifle outfitted with a special flashlight allows players to erase the logos of previous games that are scattered throughout Military camp Omega. This simply applies to the mainline Kojima-directed games (the original MSX2 games, the numbered Metal Gear Solid entries and Peace Walker), while the spin-off titles (which include Portable Ops and Metal Gear Ascension) are not affected.
    • Wearing the Solid Snake or Cyborg Ninja skin will turn every enemy into Genome Soldiers (specially the arctic-clad variants from outdoor areas and VR training), also as the 2 POWs into Donald Anderson and Kenneth Baker. The U.S. flag in the master building will too exist replaced with a FOX HOUND logo.
    • Wearing the Snake/Ninja skin will also trigger a snow in Camp Omega, causing Miller to wonder whether it's really the Snow 9 pollen. Snow 9 was used past the titular androids in Snatcher to hide their presence.
    • Information technology wouldn't be Metal Gear without this: During the brief FOXDIE freakout later on finding both prisoners, the iDroid will recite the names of Myoken line train stations owned past Nose Railway. Merely like Grey Fox did during his freakout/Genome slaughter.
  • Cutscene Boss: The sequence where Snake fights upon the burning Mother Base unfortunately isn't playable.
  • Cutscene Power to the Max: During the autumn of Female parent Base, Ophidian shoots down a helicopter with a burst from his rifle. This is impossible to pull off in-game.
  • Dryad in Distress: The main story mission opens with Snake attempting to rescue Paz, who survived the events of Peace Walker, from Camp Omega in Cuba so he tin interrogate her about the Cipher organization, also every bit to rescue Chico, who went after her.
  • Dark Reprise: "Here'due south to You" gains darker subtext when information technology plays over the credits, along with every time information technology appears in an audio file.
  • Déjà Vu: Footing Zeroes features a DLC episode named later the concept which is formed past a serial of Phone call Backs to the original Metal Gear Solid, fifty-fifty assuasive you lot to play as the protagonist of that game.
  • Despair Outcome Horizon:
    • Poor Chico is well past this after suffering weeks of torture and giving in to an interrogation.
    • Miller crosses it in one case Mother Base is diddled to smithereens. He even starts yelling at Paz, even when it's articulate she has nothing to do with the assault and has been through intense trauma.
  • Developers' Foresight:
    • Shooting at your chopper will cause Miller to chew yous out over the radio saying, "That'south not funny!"
    • When you rescue Chico and are told to place him down on the ground before extracting him onto the chopper, he will requite you lot a cassette tape with important clues to finding Paz. If you decide to extract Chico without checking on him, the same cassette tape will slide down the chopper door and country on the ground, causing Snake to obtain it anyway during the cutscene. This also counts as an example of But Grand Must!.
    • Unremarkably, when y'all unlock Chico's cage,he panics and alerts the other prisoners. However, if you extract the other prisoners before unlocking his cage, that scene is skipped.
    • If you've already unlocked the extra skins after the "Déjà Vu" mission and complete information technology again, Miller volition enquire why you continue to accept the quiz even though you've already obtained the bonuses.
    • If y'all attempt to throw a grenade at an enemy chopper in the "Jamais Vu" mission, you volition run across the trajectory indicator of the grenade pushed downward past...wait for information technology...the downdraft of the rotor blades.
    • Every individual soldier in the naval base has a different callsign ("Delta-half dozen, Delta-2," etc.) which volition be consistent if the same soldier always needs to report in twice.
  • Difficulty Level: Immigration each mission once will unlock a "Hard Mode" version of said mission. "Difficult Style" levels have considerably smarter enemy AI that tin can come across you from further away, and y'all're usually left with fewer weapons to start out with on your initial run.
  • Discontinuity Nod: While searching for markings in the "Deja Vu" extra op, Miller volition only admit titles in the Metal Gear series that were directed by Kojima himself. When viewing the marking for a non-Kojima game (i.e. Ghost Babel, Portable Ops), Miller will feign ignorance about it and won't bother to read the title out loud. Using the special calorie-free on these markings volition have no consequence on them, causing Miller to remark "looks similar that's nothing special." This also applies to the "Jamais Vu" mission, where Miller will inexplicably diss Raiden's own game to his face.
  • Downer First: The story mission ends with Female parent Base demolished, MSF disbanded due to the casualties that they have sustained, XOF triumphant and having no apparent opposition to their goals, Ophidian mutilated and comatose for the better function of a decade. And that's all before The Phantom Pain begins properly.
  • Downloadable Content: The two Extra Ops in Basis Zeroes were initially platform-specific at launch: PlayStation players got the "Déjà Vu" mission, which is a large throwback to the first Metal Gear Solid, while Xbox players got "Jamais Vu", which has Raiden fighting Snatchers. The missions were eventually released on both consoles via the Version 1.02 patch released on May 2014 and both are bachelor past default on the PC version.
  • Dropped a Bridge on Him: Chico dies off-screen later on the helicopter crash, which merely gets a passing mention in The Phantom Pain.
  • Does This Remind Y'all of Anything?:
    • Campsite Omega is a very unsubtle reference to the United states of america' unofficial prison house facility located in Guantanamo Bay, every bit well as the horrid conditions and practices at the Abu Ghraib prison house in Republic of iraq. Interestingly enough, information technology'due south never directly stated if Camp Omega is a part of Guantanamo Bay or if it's a divide prison house (though the latter is acknowledged as having existed inside the Metallic Gear universe).
    • The story mission also has several unsubtle references to the Tanker chapter, made all the more explicit by Word of God proverb that he sees Footing Zeroes as the Tanker to The Phantom Hurting's Plant. Both missions are brusk but crammed with little details, taking place at night during a rainstorm; involve unusual objectives new to the series (First Person Snapshooter vs. Escort Mission with immobile escortees); both involve the U.S. Marine Corps doing something shady (although in GZ they're actual Mooks); and both are Downer Beginnings where the mission goes horribly incorrect and the histrion graphic symbol is knocked unconscious as the issue of a vehicle crash. The principal difference is that the protagonist switch from Vic Dominate to Venom is a lot less obvious than the switch from Solid Serpent to Raiden.
  • Downer Ending: Ophidian successfully airlifts Chico and Paz out of Camp Omega, and removes a bomb discovered inside Paz's abdomen. However, the "nuclear inspection" turns out to be an invasion by XOF, who exit Mother Base to sink into the depths of the ocean. Snake barely escapes with Miller, who loses his mind with grief. Every bit he screams at a now awake Paz, she opens the helicopter doors and jumps out, before a second bomb inside her body explodes. Serpent's helicopter collides with another, and the screen fades to black.
  • Easter Egg: One involving Chico and Paz. It tin can be activated by obtaining the cassette tape from Chico, but not extracting him, instead rescuing Paz and laying her down adjacent to him. Chico volition lay downwards and caress together with Paz, whispering her proper noun and apologizing for giving into the torture while crying. Paz volition react to Chico'southward vocalization and commencement humming a vocal (either "Dearest Deterrence", "Sins of the Father", or the "Metallic Gear Solid Principal Theme") in an endeavour to condolement him.
  • Escort Mission: Played with, in that Snake is on a rescue mission, so once he finds his targets he and so needs to excerpt them safely from the operational zone. Unfortunately, neither of his primary targets nor the optional POWs he can rescue are in any condition to walk, and thus he has to behave them to an extraction indicate. While they are not attacked directly by whatever enemies, the fact that he must conduct them the whole way makes sneaking and/or fighting to the extraction betoken much more than difficult because Snake is much more limited in what he can do while carrying someone. annotation Shooting limited to pistols but, no CQC, no climbing, no crawling, etc.
  • Evil-Detecting Dog: Several dogs start barking at Skull Face up and the other XOF soldiers when they first approach Camp Omega.
  • Foreshadowing:
    • During the opening cutscene to the Intel Operative Rescue Side Op, Serpent will hold up a pair of rectangular eyeglasses. They're Kojima's famous glasses. When Hideo makes his Creator Cameo at the terminate, he dons them later on unmasking himself.
    • More subtly, Footing Zeroes itself provides quite a big clue to one of The Phantom Pain'due south biggest plot twists. Specifically, during the ending sequence precipitous-eyed viewers will discover that when Paz explodes in front of everyone, Big Dominate is explicitly non shown as having the iconic horn that "Venom Snake" would have 9 years later. Guess who Venom Snake really is?
  • Gunship Rescue: Ophidian now has the ability to call in a helicopter to pull him out of hot spots or provide air back up; and information technology'll play music of the player'south choice every bit it flies in.
  • Heel–Confront Door-Slam: While Large Boss was inactive, Nix tried to bury the hatchet, actually helping to create Venom Snake to assistance his former friend.
  • Heroic Suicide: Paz jumps off out of the helicopter she'due south in seconds after she reveals that there's a second flop in her trunk. Unfortunately, her autumn doesn't quite clear the radius of the helicopter, and the explosion ends upward damaging the vehicle anyway.
  • Promise Spot: After the discomforting scene of the removing of the bomb from Paz's breadbasket, Huey contacts Ophidian and tells him that everything's going swimmingly in terms of preparing Mother Base for the inspection. That tranquility doesn't last.
  • Hypocrite: Kaz's bleak, venomous rants about Paz during the infiltration will come up across as this when Peace Walker reveals he was feeding information back to Goose egg himself and acting every bit a double agent, making him utterly hypocritical when he was doing it out of choice and Paz was forced to do her work.
  • I Cannot Cocky-Terminate: Equally Snake extracts Paz from the administrative building, she weakly repeats "Kill me...kill me", having known about the two bombs planted inside of her.
  • I'll Pretend I Didn't Hear That: The Marines guarding Camp Omega accept a lot of involvement in the XOF Unit that has been residing at their base of operations recently, commenting on their gear, logos, and even their weird commander Skull Face. Only in one instance two guards can be heard talking about the nature of what the XOF Unit is, and one of the Marines in question decides to cut the conversation curt because he doesn't desire to arrive trouble and politely asks the other guard to stay repose about it equally well.
  • Interface Screw: Relatively minor, simply after encountering the two prisoners in the "Deja Vu", they'll each dice of a center assault and the FOXDIE virus infects the FOX Engine, causing the screen to plow very weird colors, likewise equally spitting out nonsense notifications. The problem fixes itself in a few seconds, even so.
  • Kansas City Shuffle: Snake discovers that XOF tricked him into evac'ing Paz while she has a bomb in her gut. Removing the bomb and saving her, Paz wakes in fourth dimension to explicate the first flop was meant to exist found, and then to distract Ophidian from the 2d one.
  • Boot the Son of a Bitch: Snake's enemies are members of the U.South. Marine Corps posted in what'due south a not-at-all-subtle ersatz Guantanamo Bay, where the prisoners they've captured are tortured beyond all reason. Ane look at what they've done to the prisoners' feet makes it a lot easier to swallow trading blows with these guys, and in fact, may encourage some to only barge in guns blazing, since there's no way in hell this is legal or right.
  • Kill 'Em All: Operation Trojan Horse leaves no survivors in Mother Base except for Master Miller, Huey, and a couple of lucky soldiers. Luckily, Strangelove, Amanda, and Cécile were off-base of operations during the attack. Strangelove still dies earlier the next game anyways, murdered past Huey for taking Hal away from him.


  • Final Mean solar day to Alive: A physician notes that Paz will just live for another 24 hours at about, which is how long the flop in her gut (and the 2d bomb in an unspecified location) will nevertheless function.
  • Laughing Mad: When y'all rescue her, Paz volition occasionally be subject to fits of nervous Mirthless Laughter. Considering the torture she's been through, it's not unjustified.
  • Legacy Character: Invoked in both Actress Ops. Miller treats Solid Snake and Naked Snake interchangeably when giving out factoids about their sprite/character model in each game. This is also part of the reason why Large Dominate nonetheless goes primarily past his old Ophidian codename in Ground Zeroes equally information technology is his final advent as a playable character in the serial before the protagonist switch to Venom Snake in The Phantom Pain.
  • Lighter and Softer: Déjà Vu is surprisingly this compared to the rest of the game. Especially Kaz as he appears to exist having fun during the entirety of the mission.
  • Limited Loadout: Snake tin carry i sidearm, i rifle grip gun and one big gun.
  • Lost in Translation: Later on the role player erases every marking in either Extra Op, they will receive a telephone call from Kojima thanking them for supporting the series. This is a throwback to the Japanese version of Metal Gear Solid, where Kojima will requite a similar congratulatory message if Psycho Mantis detects save data from Snatcher and Policenauts in the player's retention carte du jour. Since the PlayStation versions of Snatcher and Policenauts were never localized, the message was non included in the English language version of Metal Gear Solid, making Kojima'due south congratulatory call in Basis Zeroes seem a bit random to overseas players. Although, it would speedily become a retroactive Tear Jerker.
  • Meatgrinder Surgery: Later on rescuing Paz, Ophidian and a medic notice that she has a bomb planted in her abdomen and take no choice but to remove it without anaesthetic, while Paz is fully witting and screaming her bloody head off in desperation.
  • The Mole: Huey is strongly implied to have been 1, which would explicate why Ocelot tortures him in The Phantom Hurting.
  • Mundangerous: Equally there is no swimming mechanic falling into water from a tiny cliff face volition brand Snake sink into the water like he had boulders attached to his anxiety. See Super Drowning Skills in a higher place.
  • Mutilation Interrogation: The extent of prisoner torture is apparent when Snake tries to evac Chico, merely to see XOF has put metal bolts in his achilles tendons so standing is agony. Done tenfold on Paz, who is tortured into giving up info on Cipher, and is rewarded with ii bombs in her torso.
  • Mythology Gag:
    • The opening scene of Ground Zeroes has Snake removing his infrared goggles while facing towards the camera, recreating the title screen/promotional art of the original Metal Gear Solid.
    • As well, the mission starts with Ophidian climbing a cliff at night, just like Solid Snake does in Metallic Gear two.
    • The opening sequence of the Jamais Vu mission, where Raiden shows up to kill Snatchers infiltrating Republic of cuba, mentions that the snatchers began showing upwardly afterwards a Russian jet crashed nearby. Snatchers were Russian in origin in their original game. The mission takes place at dark because the Snatchers' artificial skin, which degrades speedily in sunlight, forces them to operate in the night in the original game (a major plot indicate was almost this distinction). Besides, after seeing a few of them, a snippet of a song from the MSX2 version plays, simply those exterior Nippon are unlikely to recognize information technology unless they've played either a Fan Translation of it or the extremely rare Sega CD localization. The only significant difference is that they apply the weapons of their victims, rather than the laser cannons from their mouths.
    • The Snatchers burn a bright blue when killed, just liked slain FROG/Haven Troopers did. In the original game, Snatchers oftentimes self-destructed after they were neutralized to prevent their bodies from beingness studied.
    • Like several other Metal Gear games of tardily, Snake's inbound line is "Kept you waiting, huh?"
      • Also, age hasn't slowed Snake downwards one chip.
    • A very subtle i. Players may notice at least ii rats who will lead Snake all the fashion to Paz. This is a callback to Metal Gear Solid when Primary Miller advises Snake to follow some rats.
    • Ophidian can climb inside the beds of trucks, tucking himself away until a driver comes by to bulldoze the truck and bypass security checkpoints, much as in the original Metallic Gear. Farther, the beds of trucks may contain weapons, similar the one where Ophidian picks upwards his Mk.23 SOCOM pistol for the first time in Metal Gear Solid.
  • Necessary Drawback:
    • When calling for an extraction chopper, you accept several possible places to call for ane. Typically, a far-away LZ that is unguarded past the enemy, or a hot LZ correct in the middle of the base of operations that's certain to piss off the locals and stands a skillful risk of getting diddled up.
    • The iDroid can brandish a map with every soldier you've marked on information technology, and even your "last known position" so yous tin tell where you tin can probably safely sneak abroad from after an warning, but doing this forces yous to look at the map and not at the soldiers, because the action doesn't freeze. Attaching a tablet or telephone to the game lets you run across the map on your tablet instead, but that too has a downside, since you need to look at it instead of the screen. Either manner, you'll exist distracted from the danger.
  • Nice Chore Breaking It, Hero:
    • Huey was the one that called for the U.Due north. inspection in the first identify, thinking it would bring greater publicity to MSF. As the tapes imply, and The Phantom Pain outright reveals, Huey was working for Cipher, subverting the "skillful intentions".
    • Chico going off on his own to endeavor and rescue Paz, simply to get captured himself and forcing Snake to go out Mother Base of operations ahead of the UN inspection to rescue them both, since Chico knows about Metal Gear ZEKE. Though, because that the inspection was a front for an attack by XOF, this might have been a practiced thing. Although considering Big Boss has fought more than giant mechs on foot than even his son past now, he probably would have been able to handle information technology.
  • Nintendo Hard:
    • The Hard difficulty is noticeably a lot more hard than Normal. Enemies are able to spot you much more quickly, you start with less equipment, tin can have less damage and the requirements for an S rank are a lot more stringent.
    • Extracting enemies and prisoners is a lot harder than in Peace Walker and The Phantom Hurting. You accept to summon your chopper to exfiltrate whatever prisoner and enemy rather than using the Fulton balloon to add any men to The Phantom Pain.
  • No-Gear Level: "Déjà Vu", much similar the game it homages, has Snake start with no weapons, having to utilize whatever he tin find. On subsequent playthroughs, Snake will have access to unlocked equipment.
  • Nostalgia Level: The "Déjà Vu" extra op involves Ophidian recreating scenes from MGS1 in Army camp Omega. Reaching the goal subsequently recreating all the scenes volition unlock a quiz in which Miller will test the player'southward MGS1 knowledge. Answer all the questions correctly and the MGS1 version of Solid Serpent volition be unlocked equally a playable character for the mission. Clear the quiz again on Difficult and a Cyborg Ninja outfit volition become available equally well.
  • Oh, Crap!: Snake'south reaction to learning that there's a bomb inside Paz, realizing that he was fix from the commencement.
  • On-Site Procurement: Zigzagged in Normal Mode, which starts every mission with a WU Silent Pistol and an AM MRS-4 Rifle. In that location are several weapons beyond your starters, though, which can merely be mooched off Marines or constitute in warehouses. Played direct in Difficult Mode, which starts you with nothing except a Wu Silent pistol with but two magazines, grenades, empty magazines, and Night Vision Goggles, unless y'all have weapons already unlocked from a past run.
  • OOC Is Serious Business organisation: At the end of the game, the normally calm, collected Miller is admittedly furious at MSF being destroyed and tries to strangle Paz with his bare hands .
  • Pre-Order Bonus:
    • Or rather, a bonus for buying one of the first editions of Ground Zeroes. In any case, it allows you to transfer data from that game to The Phantom Pain - even across consoles (provided both consoles are exclusively Sony-related or Microsoft-related). note It'south possible to get up to xx recruits for The Phantom Pain past extracting all POWs in the main story and side ops, too as enemy soldiers of involvement such every bit Glaz and Palitz in the "Eliminate the Renegade Threat" mission, as well every bit the hush-hush agent and the baldheaded marine in "Classified Intel Acquisition".
    • In Europe, pre-ordering the PS3 version of the game would get you a costless digital re-create of Peace Walker HD Edition besides.
    • In Japan, depending on where yous preordered from, you could acquire a special item (a gun, a box, or a staff fellow member) to transfer forrad into Phantom Pain.
    • Customers who preordered The Phantom Pain on Steam got a complimentary re-create of Ground Zeroes and exclusive Mother Base of operations personnel.
  • Product Foreshadowing: The ii extra ops characteristic one optional job involving the erasure of the logos for every mainline Metal Gear games directed past Kojima and the other involves restoring the logos of Kojima Productions and Kojima Productions LA using certain spotlights. These were allusions to the inner turmoils that Kojima Productions were dealing with at the time that led to the dissolution of Kojima Productions the following year forth with Hideo Kojima'due south ousting from Konami. Consequently, Konami removed all traces of the Kojima Productions logo, along with "A Hideo Kojima Game" tagline, from the finalized packaging of The Phantom Pain, while Kojima Productions LA was rebranded Konami Los Angeles Studios before information technology was eventually dissolved as well.
  • Punch-Clock Villain: The marines guarding Camp Omega talk more or less like normal people doing their job, which makes their indifference to the horrible torture all the more than chilling.
  • Put on a Motorcoach: Strangelove, Cécile, and Amanda are all mentioned to have gone their split up ways from MSF shortly before the main story mission. Thankfully, this ensures their rubber post-obit the attack on Mother Base of operations.
  • Rape as Drama: Paz is sexually abused past Skull Face in front of Chico. He then has Chico do it with Paz.
  • Recycled Soundtrack:
    • The "Déjà Vu" mission recycles several tunes from the original Metallic Gear Solid, while remixing the "Encounter" theme for the alarm status. "Jamais Vu" reuses background music from Snatcher and Metal Gear Rising.
    • Remixes of the two standout songs from Peace Walker (the main theme and "Heavens Divide") appear from the get go with other tracks available by discovering tapes, ranging from a remix of the original Metallic Gear Solid "Come across" theme to the obligatory viii-bit rendition of "Theme of Tara" from the original Metal Gear.
  • Respawning Enemies: If you try to slay all the Marines in the expanse during a Gainsay Stage, more than will show up to replace them until y'all get out of their sight.
  • Roaring Rampage of Revenge: Defied - Snake is near to have out the invading soldiers at Female parent Base after rescuing Miller, but Miller tells him not to. He agrees for the time being and gets back into the chopper.
  • Running Gag: The famous Moai heads are dorsum, and y'all tin can find them while flying around in Intel Operative Rescue. Hard Mode even has a trial to complete for shooting them all.
  • Sacrificial King of beasts: Paz dies in Basis Zeroes unexpectedly, and Serpent's failure to save her is something that haunts him.
  • Save Scumming: Discouraged by the scoring organization note You are deducted 300 points every fourth dimension you restart from an Autosave checkpoint merely all the same possible. If you play your cards right, yous can accept advantage of this and still earn an S-Rank.
  • Schmuck Allurement: Minor example. If you discover the "Classified Intel Data" cassette tape, the description reads "Do not use in music players". Equally Snake uses a Walkman, the only thing y'all tin can play it in is a music actor. Doing so results in 7 seconds of high-pitched wails and static to play. Non terribly harmful, but useless. The intel is really a spectrogram that displays a picture of a cage, much like the ane Chico was held in.
  • Scoring Points: Each mission is ranked using a points organization similar to the VR Missions in Metallic Gear Solid 2. Your rank (Due east, D, C, B, A or Due south) is based on how many points you score during the mission, with time having a heavy point weight ratio, but also accounting for enemies killed, how often you were spotted, whether you lot triggered Reflex mode, how many prisoners you rescued and how often you restarted from checkpoints.
  • Semper Fi: Members of "Marine CP" guard Camp Omega.
  • Shoot the Shaggy Dog: What drives Ophidian in Ground Zeroes is the fact that Chico and Paz have crucial information on MSF'southward enemies. The game ends with Paz exploding, and during Phantom Hurting its revealed that Chico did non survive the helicopter crash. Snake and Miller survive, although the former is placed in a coma. And the MSF that both were trying and so hard to protect ends up destroyed and disbanded.
  • Shout-Out: Snake'southward rainy cliff confront climb in the opening of Ground Zeroes is based on a scene in The Guns of Navarone. Kojima previously cited the film every bit an influence.
  • Soundtrack Dissonance: Both "Here's to You" and "Beloved Deterrence" appear several times in various audio files, and every state of affairs the songs are used in are extremely grim. The latter plays when Serpent rescues Paz from Military camp Omega. The onetime, which eulogizes the execution of ii innocent men, is hauntingly turned into a spooky boxing march when it plays over a group of soldiers gearing up and going off to sneak set on Mother Base and indiscriminately slaughter MSF.
  • Super Drowning Skills: Every bit in that location is no swimming mechanic in this game trying to go into the water surrounding the base will impale Serpent instantly. Snake drowning from landing in the h2o would make sense if he were to bound from one of the higher cliff faces — not so much with the cliff faces that are elevated a very modest distance above the water. Justified in the long run for one simple reason — there's cipher really worth exploring in the surrounding shore line, your objective is in Army camp Omega.
  • A Sense of taste of Ability: Downplayed. The dark vision goggles have space battery life and the WU Silent Pistol comes with an unbreakable suppressor in Ground Zeroes, ii things that require evolution in The Phantom Pain (the WU Silent Pistol doesn't get an unbreakable suppressor until it reaches Grade 5). Snake's MRS-4 carbine comes with a brittle suppressor and flashlight, which will need to be developed afterward on equally well.
  • Tech Demo Game: For the Fox Engine - or at to the lowest degree it was initially presented as such.
  • Time Travel: Explanation behind Raiden's appearance in the "Jamais Vu" mission, being thrust around twoscore-plus years into the past. Notably, he works alongside Big Dominate and his plight is not Played for Laughs unlike in Metal Gear Raiden: Snake Eraser... or rather, not nearly as much equally it was back so.
  • Thousand-Yard Stare: In the GDC 2013 trailer in that location is a scene where Snake is riding effectually in a helicopter as he stares off distantly into the horizon, his face characterized by a blood splattered forehead and a hollow expression. Given the wounds on his face up this is in the aftermath of Paz's expiry via time bomb and the subsequent helicopter crash he went through equally a result giving him good reason to be so upset.
  • Torture Always Works: Skull Face tortured Chico to become information out of him. It didn't have long for the poor child to interruption under the pressure and talk.
  • Trojan Horse: The mission spearheaded by XOF and Cipher is called "Operation Trojan Equus caballus" for a reason. Specifically, the program is to lure Serpent out into Camp Omega to rescue Chico and Paz while XOF, disguised every bit Un inspectors, infiltrate and destroy Mother Base. It succeeds.
  • Unexpected Shmup Level: When exfiltrating by chopper, each mission ends with a brief rail-shooting segment. Rescue The Intel Operative is nigh entirely a runway shooter past itself.
  • Unexpected Gameplay Change: Jamais Vu is much faster-paced with less accent on stealth...unless you're going for an Southward rank.
  • Unstoppable Rage: At the end of Ground Zeroes, every bit Mother Base burns to the ground and his loyal soldiers dice one by 1, Snake roars back into the losing battle simply to kill a few more XOF grunts. This from a soldier who almost never loses his composure. If this is any indication how far he's willing to get for revenge in The Phantom Pain... it might be all-time to only start running for cover now.
  • Video Game Caring Potential: You're highly encouraged to go out of your way to rescue various prisoners located throughout the map. Extracting them gives you a massive point bonus, and yous commonly have to do to this to get an S ranking. These prisoners will afterwards bring together your forces in The Phantom Pain.
  • Video Game Tutorial: Co-ordinate to Discussion of God, Ground Zeroes itself is one massive tutorial to help hardcore fans go used to the new Wide-Open Sandbox stealth mechanics.
  • Wham Line: When Paz wakes up after the escape from Mother Base of operations, she drops a bombshell on Snake:

    Paz: The bomb, there'southward...

    Snake: It's all right, nosotros got it out.

    Paz: There's another... In my...

  • What Happened to the Mouse?: Huey is mysteriously missing during the attack on Mother Base, and nobody addresses his disappearance in the ending. Even so, the trailers for The Phantom Pain spoil the fact that he is alive and well, as he would have to be for continuity purposes. If you listen to the cassettes you soon find a building mount of evidence pointing to Huey as the cause of the attack, information technology then becomes safe to assume he escaped safely with the enemy which is confirmed in TPP.
  • What Mensurate Is a Non-Human?: In "Jamais Vu", Raiden is required to kill Snatchers in social club to complete his mission. They don't count as kills in the final results screen.
  • Whole Episode Flashback: The side ops unlocked subsequently beating the chief story of Ground Zeroes could be considered this. With the exception of the conspicuously non-canon Extra Ops, each is a "pseudo historical recreation" of one of Ophidian's repeated infiltrations of the U.S. Naval Prison Facility in Republic of cuba between the Peace Walker and Basis Zeroes Incidents. They particular MSF's discovery of Nil's involvement in the camp and their initial investigations of the mysterious XOF unit of measurement prior to the main story.
  • Why Am I Ticking?: After Snake rescues Paz, he finds that at that place's a bomb stitched inside her. With no clear indication of when the bomb is going to go off, Snake orders his soldiers to excerpt the flop from her breadbasket without anesthetic. Unfortunately, that wasn't the but bomb.
  • Give-and-take Salad Title: The term "Ground Zeroes" is never used in the game, and even if it's subtle foreshadowing to the destruction of Mother Base, it's nevertheless a singular term; there don't seem to be any other "Ground Zeroes" aside from that one.
    • Until you discover information technology'south also ground zilch for the "death" of MSF's top solider, the Medic, and his rebirth as Venom Ophidian, the Patriots' (namely Nada, Ocelot and Large Boss) first memetic clone of Big Boss, making it also basis zero for the eventual creation of Raiden as the exam subject of the S3 Program and ground zero for Big Boss'due south return to FOXHOUND to eventually train Solid Snake
  • You Are Too Belatedly: Past the time Snake catches wind of XOF's program to destroy Mother Base, the assault has already begun. Also, he ends up realizing too tardily that Paz had a second bomb inside of her.
  • Yous Can't Go Dwelling house Again: Mother Base, Snake's offshore research station dwelling during Peace Walker, is destroyed in the game's prologue by XOF.
  • Younger Than They Look: At the start of the story mission, Snake appears to have gray pilus thanks to the new lighting engine.

Alternative Championship(s): Metallic Gear Solid Ground Zeroes, Footing Zeroes, Metallic Gear Solid 5 Ground Zeroes


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