How to Get Gear for Way of the Strong UPDATED

How to Get Gear for Way of the Strong

Perfect World has a multitude of gear options for players to choose from, and this tin get overwhelming. This is a guide to assist players discover their options for each level range and what gear paths they should work on. Information technology is important to keep in listen that a histrion'south leveling speed volition bear on their gear options. Some players tin can level upwards and then fast that certain gear sets become obsolete quickly and thus are not worth farming.


  • i Level 1 - 10
    • 1.1 Quests
    • 1.2 Dreamchaser Pack
  • 2 Level x - twenty
    • 2.1 Quests
    • 2.2 Dreamchaser Pack
  • iii Level 20 - 30
    • three.1 Quests
    • 3.2 Dreamchaser Pack
    • three.3 Middle of the Jungle
  • 4 Level 30 - twoscore
    • 4.1 Quests
    • 4.2 Dreamchaser Pack
    • 4.3 Rank 1
    • iv.four Eye of the Jungle
  • 5 Level 40 - 50
    • v.1 Quests
    • 5.2 Dreamchaser Pack
    • 5.iii Rank 2
    • 5.4 Wild Mane Mantle
  • half-dozen Level 50 - threescore
    • 6.ane Quests
    • 6.2 Rank 3
    • six.iii Quicksand Maze
    • 6.4 Retired Equipment
  • vii Level 60 - lxx
    • Quests
    • 7.2 Twilight Temple
    • seven.3 Rank 4
    • vii.iv Matchless wings
    • 7.5 Crown of Madness
  • viii Level 70 - 80
    • 8.ane Quests
    • 8.2 Twilight Temple
    • viii.three Rank v
    • 8.4 Quicksand Maze
    • viii.five Warsoul Helmets
    • eight.6 Legendary Gear
    • 8.7 Retired Equipment
  • 9 Level 80 - 90
    • Quests
    • 9.2 Twilight Temple
    • 9.3 Rank 6
    • nine.four Frostcovered Metropolis
    • 9.v Warsoul Weapons
    • 9.half dozen Puzzle Cube Necklace
    • nine.7 Warsong Chugalug
    • 9.eight Heart of the Jungle
    • 9.9 Quicksand Maze
    • 9.ten Legendary Gear
  • ten Level ninety - 100
    • Quests
    • 10.ii Twilight Temple
    • 10.three Rank 7
    • ten.four Old Heaven's Tear
    • 10.5 Quicksand Maze
    • 10.6 Lunar Glade
    • ten.7 Retired Equipment
  • 11 Level 100 - 105
    • 11.1 Nirvana Gear
    • eleven.two Morai Gear
    • eleven.3 Dragonbreath Weapons
    • 11.4 Rank eight
    • xi.v Rank 9
    • eleven.half dozen Twilight Warsoul
    • Arigora Colosseum
    • 11.8 Thursday Night Fights
    • eleven.9 Miscellaneous Gear

Level 1 - x [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • The quest "Preparing for Battle" from the Celestial Vale Quest Chain awards players with a level 1 weapon, a level 1 armor fix (chest, pants, boots, wrists), and a level one belt. Each piece of equipment is class-restricted.

Dreamchaser Pack [ ]

Players can obtain a Dreamchaser Pack from Arc codes or promotions. This pack will give players a lot of useful items, including gear, to final them upwardly to level 50. Codes for Dreamchaser Packs may exist given out during events or during holidays. These codes are announced on the Arc Twitter or the PWI Facebook.

Level 10 - 20 [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • The quest "Protective Seal" from the Angelic Vale Quest Chain awards players with a level x Noble weapon of their selection. Each weapon is class-restricted.
  • The quest "Unknown Terrors" from the Celestial Vale Quest Chain awards players with a level 10 Noble armor set (chest, pants, boots, wrists) of their selection. Each armor set is class-restricted.

Dreamchaser Pack [ ]

Players can obtain a Dreamchaser Pack from Arc codes or promotions. This pack will give players a lot of useful items, including gear, to last them upwardly to level 50. Codes for Dreamchaser Packs may be given out during events or during holidays. These codes are announced on the Arc Twitter or the PWI Facebook.

Level 20 - 30 [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • The quest "Celestial Balance" from the level nineteen Aware of Principle Spiritual Cultivation quest awards players with a level 20 Government minister weapon of their choice. Each weapon is class-restricted. The quest requires you to impale a boss in Lightsail Cave, so you lot may crave help to impale information technology.
  • The quest "Wraith Yansheng" from the level 19 quest chain Yansheng'due south Missing awards players with a level xx Minister armor set (breast, pants, boots, wrists) of their choice. Each armor set up is class-restricted.
  • The quest "Reawakening" from the level 25 quest concatenation Ladywraith awards players with a level 23 Minister necklace of their choice. These necklaces are not form-restricted.
  • The quests "Aberrant Situation" and "Enlightened of Harmony" from the level 29 Aware of Harmony Spiritual Cultivation quest both award players with a level 24 Minister ring of their selection. The rings are not class-restricted.

Dreamchaser Pack [ ]

Players can obtain a Dreamchaser Pack from Arc codes or promotions. This pack will give players a lot of useful items, including gear, to final them up to level 50. Codes for Dreamchaser Packs may be given out during events or during holidays. These codes are appear on the Arc Twitter or the PWI Facebook.

Eye of the Jungle [ ]

At level 30 the Eye of the Jungle·Void belt becomes available. It was originally crafted using the Stone of the Jungle materials which are obtained from the Jungle Ruins upshot, but later the PWI Neverfall content update this event tin only exist manually activated by the GMs. The Stone of the Jungle items can as well be obtained from adventure packs from the Boutique or bought from other players. This belt can be further upgraded to a level lxxx version and it has a unique improver that allows the possessor to spy on the stats of other players in the same way equally the Eye of Observation. In the current times, this is not a very popular belt to utilise. Players will commonly wait until they tin farm Quicksand Maze and Warsong Bulwark belts instead.

Level thirty - xl [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • The quest "The Ultimate Mantou" from the level 30+ quest chain Beautiful Chang's Mantou awards players with a level 30 Duke weapon of their choice. Each weapon is form-restricted.
  • The quest "A Dream" from the level 33+ quest chain Riding Wind awards players with a level 30 Duke armor fix (chest, pants, boots, wrists) of their choice. Each armor ready is class-restricted.
  • The quest "Written report Your Findings" from the level 34+ quest concatenation Nameless Island Crisis awards players with a level 33 Knuckles necklace of their choice. The necklaces are not class-restricted.
  • The quests "Seal the Dismal Shade" and "The Showdown" from the level 35/36+ quest chain East Coast Emergency both accolade players with a level 34 Duke ring of their choice. The rings are non class-restricted.
  • The level 32-42 quest "Salvation" awards players with a level 32 Knuckles chest piece of their choice, allowing players to obtain a second one. The chest pieces are class-restricted.
  • The level 32-37 quest "Hero Spirit" awards players with level 32 Duke boots of their choice, allowing players to obtain a second ane. The boots are class-restricted.
  • The level twoscore+ quest "Flower of Dearest" awards players with level 31 Duke leggings of their choice, allowing players to obtain a 2nd ane. The leggings are grade-restricted.

Dreamchaser Pack [ ]

Players tin obtain a Dreamchaser Pack from Arc codes or promotions. This pack will give players a lot of useful items, including gear, to concluding them upwards to level 50. Codes for Dreamchaser Packs may be given out during events or during holidays. These codes are announced on the Arc Twitter or the PWI Facebook.

Rank one [ ]

At level xxx players volition receive their first rank gear. Rank one offers torso habiliment, leg wear, a chugalug and a ring. Players can acquire the required reputation for this rank past completing quests. Although rank one gear is pretty adept, information technology will be overshadowed by the Dreamchaser Pack gear.

Eye of the Jungle [ ]

At level 40 players can obtain the Centre of the Jungle belt using Celestial Shards from the Celestial Tiger Event. The event was originally run every Monday, but after the PWI Neverfall content update this event can just be manually activated by the GMs. Luckily, a lot of players are still selling the Celestial Shards or the chugalug itself for a pretty low price. A lot of players utilize this belt for several levels until they can obtain something better such as the Quicksand Maze gear. This chugalug should non be dislocated with the Eye of the Jungle belts that are obtained from the Jungle Ruins.

Level 40 - fifty [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • The quest "Haggle the Haggler" from the level 44+ quest chain Humorous Wedding awards players with a level 33 Purple necklace of their option, which are actually meant to be level 43 necklaces. The necklaces are not class-restricted.

Players can get level 41 and 42 armor for completing the following quests:

  • The Scepter (Level 41-51): Level 41 pants
  • Principal Tsang (Level 40-50): Level 42 wrists
  • Family in Danger (Level 42-52) or Evil Strength (Level 39+): Level 42 breast
  • Waning Moon'south Pickaxe (Level 42-52): Level 42 boots

Dreamchaser Pack [ ]

Players tin obtain a Dreamchaser Pack from Arc codes or promotions. This pack volition give players a lot of useful items, including gear, to last them upward to level l. Codes for Dreamchaser Packs may be given out during events or during holidays. These codes are announced on the Arc Twitter or the PWI Facebook.

Rank 2 [ ]

At level twoscore players can obtain the Rank 2 ring and chugalug. Players tin acquire the required reputation for this rank past completing quests. the ring and the chugalug are pretty good for their level range.

Wild Mane Mantle [ ]

The level forty Wild Mane Mantle cape is pretty good for its level range. This cape tin be crafted using Celestial Shards from the Angelic Tiger Event. The event was originally run every Mon, merely after the PWI Neverfall content update this outcome can just be manually activated by the GMs. Luckily, a lot of players are nonetheless selling the Celestial Shards or the cape itself for a pretty low cost.

Level 50 - sixty [ ]

Quests [ ]

Rank 3 [ ]

At level 50 players can obtain the Rank iii ring and leg habiliment. Players tin can larn the required reputation for this rank past completing quests. Although the leg wear is pretty good, it will be overshadowed past the Quicksand Maze i. After Rank 3, rank gear is generally not worth pursuing unless the player is planning to become Rank eight or Rank 9 in the time to come, or the player desires the rank gear tops for the interval (physical classes) or channelling (arcane classes) stats.

Quicksand Maze [ ]

At level 55 players can brainstorm farming Quicksand Maze for what is often considered to be the best gear set for that level range. The gear set includes armor, weapon and ornaments.

You can obtain a total of 8 Ancient Transcripts, which are used to make this equipment, through the Coming of Age Quest Chain while performing the Coming of Age anniversary.

Retired Equipment [ ]

Previously players could acquire a level 50 Omnipresence Ring from the Roll Telephone call daily quest, nonetheless this event has since been retired. Players can notwithstanding commutation their Attendance Sheets for this band if they accept any available.

Level lx - seventy [ ]

Quests [ ]

Twilight Temple [ ]

At level threescore players can start farming Twilight Temple weapons. Twilight Temple armor will only be available later level 70, but the level 70 weapons will require Souledges from level 60 Twilight Temple weapons so if one wishes to follow this weapon path they can start farming their weapon early. Twilight Temple weapons will eventually lead to level 100 Nirvana weapons.

Rank 4 [ ]

At level threescore players can obtain the Rank 4 band, body wear and belt. Players tin learn the required reputation for this rank by completing quests, though they may demand do some extra work to obtain enough. The body clothing is adequately popular due to having interval (concrete classes) and chanelling (cabalistic classes) stats, but information technology will generally be overshadowed by the Quicksand Maze gear.

Matchless wings [ ]

The rare Matchless Wings greatcoat becomes available at level 60. It has a low hazard of appearing when opening chance packs from the Bazaar and information technology can be bought from other players. This greatcoat can be upgraded into the Wings of Ascension through the Advanced Endless Universe using nine Perfect·Token of All-time Luck and nine,999 Perfect·Token of Luck. The Wings of Rise can exist farther upgraded at level 100 through the Arigora Colosseum, but due to the Arigora Colosseum being a contempo addition to the game, the majority of players even so use the Wings of Ascension every bit their endgame cape.

Crown of Madness [ ]

At level threescore the Crown of Madness becomes available. It is currently the most powerful helmet in the game, just is hard to obtain. The Crown of Madness has a low chance of appearing when opening adventure packs from the Bazaar and it tin can be bought from other players. Sometimes it will exist given out as a reward in competitive PvP events. The prices vary, only the helmet is generally worth over i billion Gold Coins. It is not something level 60 players tin can actually beget, but information technology is the endgame goal of all competitive PvP players.

Level 70 - eighty [ ]

Quests [ ]

Twilight Temple [ ]

At level 70 players will be able to farm and use Twilight Temple level lxx armor and weapons. This armor set is not actually very good, but if players are unable to farm Quicksand Maze or obtain mold gear, this armor set can be a decent alternative.

Rank 5 [ ]

At level 70 players can obtain the Rank 5 ring and leg clothing. Players tin larn the required reputation for this rank by completing quests, though they volition need do some extra work to obtain plenty. The leg wear is pretty good, but it will be overshadowed by the Quicksand Maze gear.

Quicksand Maze [ ]

At this level players can farm the level 70 Quicksand Maze gear which many consider it to exist the all-time gear prepare for that level range. The gear set up includes armor, weapon and ornaments.

Y'all can get a total of 5 Original Lores, which are used to make this equipment, through various level 65-76 quests:

  • Ex-cons (Level 65-75)
  • Avenging Monster (Level 66-76)
  • Secret Plan (Level 67+)
  • Strange Canis familiaris (Level 68-78)
  • Crunch of the Tauroc (Level 64-74)

Warsoul Helmets [ ]

Warsoul helmets are available at level 70. There are two versions of Warsoul helmets: the heavy Warsoul of Globe and the arcane Warsoul of Heaven. They tin can be obtained from a Title Coil, a reward for winning the Thursday PvP Tournament Event. Despite being a PvP outcome reward, these helmets have become widely bachelor over the years and are easy to obtain. Most players only use them as temporary helmets until they farm their Nirvana ones, or they skip them entirely due to the existence of Quicksand Maze gear sets. Arcane classes, however, might choose to keep the Warsoul of Heaven due to the channeling addition.

Legendary Gear [ ]

Legendary gear is gear that can exist crafted using a rare mold and Crafting materials. Molds used to drop from bosses in Call to Duty dungeons, just now they can only exist obtained using Mysterious Fries at the Mysterious Merchant in Archosaur or the Metropolis of a Thousand Streams. Some legendary weapons tin likewise be crafted using items awarded from Divine Contract quests. About legendary gear is obsolete as they are private gear pieces without a set up and they cannot exist upgraded, however, some legendary gear pieces are withal useful. Already-crafted legendary gear may exist sold by players in the Auction Firm.

In this level range the most notable legendary gear pieces are the following: The level 77 Misty Forest Ring is a very pop ring option for concrete classes because of the accuracy add-on. Likewise, the level 70 Calamity Axes of Blood are a pop weapon pick for the respective classes due to the Sacrificial Strike add-on which has a chance to deal double damage. The level 70 Sakyamuni's Light and the level 79 Glaives of Divinity are decent weapon choices for arcane classes that couldn't obtain something better. Psychics, who can only utilize Soulsphere, accept the choice of the level 74 Bloodpain Soulglaive and Assassins, who can only use daggers, have the option of the level 74 Shadow Legend. The level 77 arcane wristguards Sleeves of Sea Captain are a pop choice due to the channelling addition.

Retired Equipment [ ]

Previously players could acquire a level lxx Attendance Ring from the Curlicue Call daily quest, however this event has since been retired. Players can still exchange their Omnipresence Sheets for this ring if they have any available.

Level 80 - 90 [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • The quest "Rescue Residents of 4 Nations" from the level 85/86+ quest concatenation Four Missing Nations awards players with a level 85 Quicksand Maze armor set (chest, pants, boots, wrists) of their choice. Each armor gear up is class-restricted.

Twilight Temple [ ]

If players previously started farming Twilight Temple gear, they can at present work towards their level 80 set or craft it if they've already farmed or bought the materials from other players. The armor set leads to a dead end every bit the level ninety armor has its own upgrading path, merely the weapons will continue their upgrades all the way to level 99.

Rank 6 [ ]

At level 80 players can obtain the Rank 6 ring, trunk vesture and belt. Players can learn the required reputation for this rank by completing quests, but they will need to do some actress piece of work to obtain plenty. The trunk habiliment is fairly pop due to having interval (physical classes) and chanelling (arcane classes) stats, but it will mostly be overshadowed by the Quicksand Maze gear.

Frostcovered City [ ]

Level 85 Frostcovered Metropolis gear is available for players to utilise, but after various game expansions the gear became hard to farm due to having the dungeon revamped from a farming dungeon into a leveling dungeon. The last boss of Frostcovered City, Holeen the Champion of Fientazzar, has a chance to driblet various gear pieces. At that place are two types of Frostcovered Urban center gear: the greenish gear and stronger version, gold gear. The dungeon as well drops items called "Past of Frostcovered City" which tin can be exchanged for a powerful level 85 golden weapon. However, the weapon requires a very high amount of those items and players will level out of the level range before they can ever collect enough.

Warsoul Weapons [ ]

Warsoul Weapons get available at level 80. They were once the ultimate weapons of Perfect Earth and were extremely hard to obtain. Subsequent game expansions introduced more powerful endgame weapons so Warsoul Weapons became easier to farm. Currently, these weapons require Warsoul materials which tin can be farmed through the Nation Wars, though players will ordinarily reach level 100 before they can obtain their Warsoul weapon. The second cast of Warsoul weapons tin can compete with Rank 9 3rd cast weapons, though Rank ix will even so have the edge due to unique add-ons. Warsoul weapons are normally the endgame goal of players that cannot afford Rank 9.

Puzzle Cube Necklace [ ]

At level 80 the Cube of Fate Puzzle Cube necklace becomes available, but players won't be able to farm information technology until after level xc. It is generally also troublesome to farm the necklace this early on and so players wait until they reach level 100 and obtain stronger gear as well as obtaining plenty prestige in the lodge of Luminance from Morai so that they can run the Cube of Fate twice a twenty-four hour period. The Cube of Fate necklace has 3 stages and the 3rd stage tin can be further upgraded through Nation Wars. A lot of players use the Nation Wars version of the Puzzle Cube necklace as their endgame necklace.

Players tin can also arts and crafts a Puzzle Cube necklace from the Token Packs item "Cube of Fate Postage". The Puzzle Cube have ii versions: the elemental necklace that refines for magic resistance and the protection necklace that refines for concrete resistance.

Warsong Belt [ ]

At level 80 the Warsong City Warsong Barrier belt becomes available, but players won't be able to successfully farm it until after level 100 when they can obtain stronger gear. This chugalug can be crafted using the "Warsong Waistband Inscription" items that drop from Warsong City'due south final boss, The Incacerate, and Warsoul materials easily obtainable from Nation Wars. Players can farm their Warsong Barrier belt while farming their Awakened Nirvana Gear every bit both of them will require farming Warsong City. Players can also arts and crafts a Warsong Barrier belt from the Token Packs particular "Warsong Align Badge".

The Warsong Barrier belt is the endgame pick of all players that exercise not go for Rank nine gear. Similar to the Puzzle Cube necklace, the Warsong Barrier belt has three stages and has two versions: the elemental belt that refines for magic resistance and the protection belt that refines for physical resistance.

Eye of the Jungle [ ]

At level eighty players can upgrade their Middle of the Jungle·Void belts into a better version. This is a great belt to use even at level 100, but most players opt for the Warsong Barrier belt due to it being easier to farm, especially after the Jungle Ruins were discontinued. This belt has a unique add together-on that allows the possessor to spy on the stats of other players in the same manner as the Eye of Observation.

Quicksand Maze [ ]

Players accept the option to begin farming their level 85 Quicksand Maze gear, which they tin choose to use all the way upwardly to level 100. Should they cull to practice so, it is advised to brand a pocket-size investment in this gear set to get some refines and shards. The gear set includes armor, weapon and ornaments.

You tin can get a total of 4 Skyhidden Scrolls, which are used to make this equipment, through various level 79+ quests:

  • Last Leopard (Level fourscore+)
  • Making Wine (Level 81+)
  • Village on the Obviously (Level 83+)
  • Miss Yun'south Missing (Level 79+)

Legendary Gear [ ]

Legendary gear is gear that can be crafted using a rare mold and Crafting materials. Molds used to driblet from bosses in Phone call to Duty dungeons, but now they can simply be obtained using Mysterious Chips at the Mysterious Merchant in Archosaur or the City of a Thousand Streams. Some legendary weapons tin likewise be crafted using items awarded from Divine Contract quests. About legendary gear is obsolete equally they are individual gear pieces without a set and they cannot exist upgraded, all the same, some legendary gear pieces are still useful. Already-crafted legendary gear may be sold by players in the Sale Business firm.

In this level range the about notable legendary gear pieces are the following: The level 87 Heaven Demon'southward Pearl necklace is a popular choice for players in that level range that don't have Quicksand Maze ornaments and it is often used up to level 100 until they can farm a Puzzle Cube necklace. The level 86 Demon Slaughter Chugalug is a fairly pop choice every bit well. The level 89 magic sword Requiem Bract is a decent weapon for cabalistic classes that weren't able to obtain something amend. Even so, it will unremarkably go replaced by a level 95 Morai weapon. Psychics, who tin only employ Soulsphere, have the selection of the level 80 Skyshaker Soulglaive and Assassins, who can only use daggers, have the option of the level eighty Glowfall Wings. Lastly, the level 88 Ring of the Heavenly Lord is a prissy ring for physical classes that couldn't find something meliorate.

Level 90 - 100 [ ]

Quests [ ]

  • While doing the level 90+ Morai Quest Chain, players can acquire level 95 armor pieces (helmet, chest, pants, boots, wrists) of their pick. These armor pieces are not class-restricted. Players will not be able to equip this armor until they are level 95. While some of its stats aren't as high as the level 85 Quicksand Maze armor set, the Morai set is a higher class and therefore you can get more than wellness by refining information technology.
    • Previously the Morai Quest Chain would also award players with a level 95 weapon, but this reward was removed afterward the Wings of Rebirth expansion.

Twilight Temple [ ]

At level 90 players can begin farming their Twilight Temple level ninety gear, which is the starting bespeak of the Nirvana Gear path. The level 90 armor does not require Souledges from lower level Twilight Temple armor then players volition have no problem farming a set even if they didn't previously subcontract any Twilight Temple gear. The armor can be upgraded to Twilight Temple level 99 gold gear and eventually turned into Nirvana armor at level 100. The Twilight Temple level 90 weapons will require Souledges of previous weapons, but some magic classes have the selection to craft the Divine Aegis at level 99 which does not require whatever Souledges. Despite being a Pataka, this weapon can be turned into any type of Nirvana weapon, except Soulspheres and Scythes.

Rank 7 [ ]

At level ninety players can obtain the Rank vii ring, body habiliment, leg habiliment and belt. Players can acquire the required reputation for this rank past completing quests, but they will demand a lot of actress piece of work to obtain enough. The body article of clothing is adequately popular due to having interval (concrete classes) and chanelling (arcane classes) stats. The balance of the rank 7 gear is also pretty good, but in that location are better options of this level range due to being cheaper or easier to obtain.

Old Heaven's Tear [ ]

Players that gained access to the One-time Sky's Tear maps have the option to craft level 90+ Old Heaven'due south Tear gear. This gear is non very potent but materials are hands obtainable or can be bought from other players for a low cost. This can serve as temporary gear until the player is able to farm something better. The stats of Old Sky'south Tear gear are completely random. Despite beingness a weak gear set, some gear pieces may be invaluable even for level 100 players such as ornaments with double channeling stats. The Old Heaven's Tear rings are often an option for many players that tin't afford the more expensive ones.

The Erstwhile Heaven's Tear daily quests also advantage players with special materials that can be used to craft powerful gilded Quondam Heaven'due south Tear gold gear pieces. However, these gear pieces have become rather obsolete due having like options that are much easier to farm.

Players that didn't subcontract Quicksand Maze gear tin obtain a very nice level 95 belt past completing the Old Heaven's Tear quest line and unlocking all maps up to the Moonshade Desert. This belt is good enough to be used at level 100 until players can farm something better such equally the Warsong Barrier belt.

Quicksand Maze [ ]

If players previously farmed level 85 Quicksand Maze gear, they tin can choose to keep it all the way to level 100, especially if they have invested some shards and refines in it, while farming other gear sets in training for level 100.

Lunar Glade [ ]

The level 95 Lunar Glade gear is another choice, but it is commonly for those planning to farm the Lunar Glade version of Nirvana Gear as this gear set is not very good and not worth the try of farming. In that location are ii types of Lunar Glade gear: the light-green gear and stronger version, gold gear.

At that place are, withal, two Lunar Glade aureate rings that are worth obtaining: the magic Sign of Antiquity: Anarchy and the physical Sign of Frost: Chaos. They are ofttimes the finish goal of casual players that cannot afford the more expensive options at level 100. These rings are usually obtained from adventure packs from the Bazaar or other players who sell them.

Retired Equipment [ ]

  • Previously players could acquire a level xc Attendance Band from the Ringlet Telephone call daily quest, however this result has since been retired. Players can notwithstanding exchange their Omnipresence Sheets for this ring if they have whatever available.
  • Previously the Morai Quest Chain would award players with a level 95 weapon, but this advantage was removed after the Wings of Rebirth expansion.

Level 100 - 105 [ ]

Some endgame gear pieces have low level requirements so they were added in the appropriate level ranges. It is appropriate to backtrack and bank check the gear options of lower level ranges to make sure yous haven't missed anything.

Nirvana Gear [ ]

At level 100 players tin can begin farming their Nirvana Gear. The final cast of Nirvana gear is considered to exist the best all-purpose gear players tin subcontract without the need of Boutique items. All materials required to arts and crafts the gear are acquired through dungeons and in-game events. Nirvana gear is usually the end goal of casual or not-competitive players. It is not potent plenty to compete with Rank ix geared players and then this gear is not used by competitive PvP players, but there are players that use this gear in PvP.

Morai Gear [ ]

Players can farm level 100 Morai gear through the Endless Universe starting at level 95. This gear set is for PvE just. It is non specially potent, but it can exist a decent temporary gear set up to use while working for something better.

At level 101 players can farm a better version of Morai gear through the three Orders. The Morai gear from the Orders tin can be farther upgraded through the Quicksand Maze. This version of Morai gear is nifty for PvE but tin be tedious to farm, peculiarly due the lack of players farming Quicksand Maze, then players unremarkably opt for Nirvana gear instead.

Dragonbreath Weapons [ ]

Players can work towards their Dragonbreath Weapons, whose last casts makes them the strongest weapons in game. Dragonbreath weapons are generally for the competitive PvP players who aim to go for the fourth cast or higher. Casual players can farm upwards to second cast without having to invest a lot into their Homestead.

The second cast of Dragonbreath weapons are comparable to the final cast of Nirvana weapons. They can be an alternative weapon path for players that wish to have the option for further upgrading their weapon in the future since Nirvana weapons stop at third cast. The third cast of Dragonbreath weapons crave some investment in the Homestead, making it considerably more than expensive than second cast. Information technology is possible for players to farm the tertiary cast equally free to play, but it will require a lot of time and effort. The fourth and 5th casts of Dragonbreath weapons are very expensive. They can be farmed as complimentary to play by players that are successful merchants, only they are otherwise mainly for players that tin can beget to charge Gilt.

Rank 8 [ ]

At level 100 players tin can obtain Rank eight gear, which has two stages. The base Rank 8 gear includes a weapon, body wear and leg wear. Those gear pieces are decent enough to be used every bit temporary gear, but they are outclassed by level 100 Morai gear due to Rank eight non being a consummate fix.

The 2d bandage of Rank 8 includes a weapon and a consummate armor set. It was originally farmed through Faction Trials, but now players farm it through Nation Wars. The stats on the second bandage of Rank 8 are random, but they can be re-rolled making this a good gear set for players that want to customize their gear for specific builds and preferences. It can exist an alternative to Nirvana gear, simply many players find the randomized stats not worth the trouble and time it takes to obtain the ideal set. With the right stats, loftier refines and high level shards, the 2d bandage of Rank 8 can somewhat compete with Rank nine. Nonetheless, it is not worth the investment.

The third bandage of Rank viii can be farmed in the Quicksand Maze. With the correct stats, high refines and high level shards, information technology can compete with Rank 9, but it is usually non worth the time and investment. Information technology is a especially boring gear set to obtain considering information technology is difficult to observe players to farm Quicksand Maze with.

Rank ix [ ]

At level 101, players can obtain Rank ix gear from the Boutique. Players that are successful merchants or successful at farming in game tin obtain Rank nine gear as free to play past buying the required materials from other players or buying Gold through the Auction House to access the Boutique items.

The tertiary cast of Rank 9 armor was the best armor in the game until the Twilight Warsoul Gear was released. It is even so the most unremarkably used gear by all competitive PvP players. The third cast of Rank 9 weapons are very potent and widely used by competitive players, just they are outclassed by the higher casts of Dragonbreath Weapons.

There is a quaternary cast of Rank nine, just information technology simply benefits a select few classes so information technology is non considered a real upgrade. Some players choose to get the quaternary cast Rank ix weapons or belts, just most players go along their 3rd cast Rank 9 gear considering it is superior in nigh cases.

Twilight Warsoul [ ]

Players tin can obtain Twilight Warsoul gear at level 105. The equipment is class 17, the highest grade of armor in the game. In that location are iii types for each armor type (heavy armor, low-cal armor, arcane armor) and iii casts for each armor type. The first and second casts consist of a chest piece, pants, boots, and bracers. The third bandage consists of all of these and too includes a helmet.

Twilight Warsoul gear, minus the helmet, tin be crafted primarily using materials from Twilight Temple Revisited from scratch. Y'all can also craft it with lesser materials and Rank 8 (Third Cast) or Rank ix (Fourth Bandage) gear. This allows players to transfer their shards and refines. The start cast of Twilight Warsoul requires Reshape Crystals which can be purchased from the Bazaar. The helmet can only be crafted using a Moon Stone of Penalisation from the Treasure System, but players tin can also cull to employ the stone along with helmets like the Rank 8 (Third Cast) helmets, ★★★Crown of Madness, or ★★★Crown of Apex to create these helmets and transfer their old helmet's refines, shards, and engravings.

The first and second casts of Twilight Warsoul gear are weaker than Rank ix third cast, just stronger than Rank viii 3rd bandage. Twilight Warsoul tin exist infused with Twilight Souls to change its attributes and with the right customization these gear sets may compete with Rank ix 3rd bandage.

The 3rd cast of Twilight Warsoul is on par with Rank 9 third cast, but players will lose desired fix bonuses such equally the +100 forcefulness/dexterity/magic bonus. However, just like with the previous casts, Twilight Souls tin can be used to change its attributes and surpass Rank 9 3rd bandage. Players can also apply the Warsoul Repository to change the gear up bonus they use, though Rank 9 third bandage is currently not available in the repository. Due to this, it is mostly advised for players to make Twilight Warsoul gear from scratch or from Rank 8 third bandage in club to avoid permanently losing the Rank 9 third cast gear and prepare bonuses. The tertiary cast of Twilight Warsoul with the proper Twilight Soul customization is currently the all-time armor set in the game.

Arigora Colosseum [ ]

At level 100 players can compete in the Arigora Colosseum to begin farming the all-time capes and rings that exist in the game. The cape and the band take v casts each. Players can craft the first stage of the ring and cape for only 100 Arigora Coins. They are decent inexpensive gear pieces if the culling options are too expensive, or they can be used equally temporary gear until they subcontract or buy something meliorate.

Although the cape tin be farmed from scratch, players tin can cull to skip a stride and upgrade their Wings of Ascent cape or Sky Raveger greatcoat instead. The ring has multiple upgrade options including: the Sky Comprehend, the Cloud Stir, the Reawakening VI Finger Bead rings or the Nation Wars rings.

The Crown of Madness can also exist upgraded to a Crown of Noon. It is not a true upgrade, but it merely removes the set bonus from the Wings of Ascension and adds information technology to the helmet itself so that players will not have to break the gear up bonus when they upgrade their Wings of Ascension cape to the Arigora version.

Thursday Night Fights [ ]

Players tin obtain a powerful helmet through the Thursday Night Fights PvP event. The terminal room spawns a chest and the person who manages to dig information technology will obtain an item that can be exchanged for a heavy, light or arcane helmet. This helmet is the endgame option of all players that cannot afford a Crown of Madness or players playing back up classes that adopt a more defensive helmet. Players can also farm an identical helmet, but with a unlike name, through the Faction Base of operations.

Miscellaneous Gear [ ]

At this level players tin can utilise the Angelic Resonance necklaces and the Exotic Anarchy belts, which are currently some of the best ornaments in the game. These ornaments are crafted using the Jaden Crystal, which is a rare item obtained from chance packs in the Boutique or bought from other players. If players cannot beget these ornaments, they tin can farm a Puzzle Cube necklace and a Warsong Bulwark belt, which are groovy ornaments for level 100 despite being bachelor as early on as level 80. Rank 9 players will use their Rank 9 chugalug instead of a Warsong Barrier belt, however, due to the set up bonus.

The Heaven Cover and Deject Stir rings are available at this level. They can be farmed through the Public Quest, but players usually obtain them from chance packs from the Boutique. These rings can be upgraded at the Nation Wars forges or using the rare pack detail Reawakening VI Finger Dewdrop. The upgrades of these rings were considered the best until they received an additional upgrade path through the Arigora Colosseum in the PWI Neverfall expansion.

At this level players volition also work towards obtaining a Crown of Madness and a Wings of Rising. They are originally level 60 gear, but are actually meant for the high level players who tin can afford ownership them or the competitive PvP players that tin can participate in PvP events.


How to Get Gear for Way of the Strong UPDATED

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