Gears of War 4 Fps Drops With Ribbons UPDATED

Gears of War 4 Fps Drops With Ribbons

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Is anyone running into fps issues with this game? I take a 970, 8gb of ram, and an i54690k. The game recommends running at high, only when I uncap the fps or movement it to 60 it barely hits over 32fps. I turned of vsync, turned it all the style to the everyman setting, and uncapped information technology and all the same got effectually 32fps. The benchmark maintains around 29.8fps the entire fourth dimension. I may be missing something silly since I usually permit geforce feel take care of things, but I'm usually able to tweak things to maintain the best gameplay. I just checked and when I endeavour running it at low with 3480X2160 it gets the 60fps, but when running it at 1920X1080 information technology runs at a lower frame rate. I'one thousand totally lost. Thank you for whatever assistance!

Avatar image for zychi

Update your 970 drivers maybe? That usually fixes bug similar this for me.

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You may need to update and/or reinstall your GeForce drivers from scratch.

Avatar image for roxuss

Same issue here with 1070GTX, when running the game at 1080p I get a very low fps ~20fps and the GPU is not used (~ten%).

When I run the game with a higher resolution, the apply of the GPU increases but my fps remains to ~20.

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Granted I didn't have time to bound into the actual game, but I did run the criterion on my PC this morning.

Steady 60fps @1440p with a GTX 1070 and a i7 3770k, with pretty much everything at ultra.

I advise a clean install of the drivers?

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As well, attempt a reboot of your PC. The game was running smashing for me terminal night, simply when I started it up in the morning I had some really bizarre FPS stutters. A full reboot stock-still the issues.

Avatar image for roxuss

hey, thx for your help, I rebooted the PC and reinstall the drivers and the problem still the same, FPS are capped to 20...

I think it isn't a hardware consequence, I accept a decent 3d marking score (5700) and the other games work well...

Avatar image for vanto

Same issue nonetheless going on. But reinstalled the drivers and rebooted. It's kind of funny for a brief second I was pushing 60fps on reccomended, but it was non quite hitting it and so i turned shadows downwards to medium from high. Afterward that it went back downwards to 30 which made no sense and when I changed it back to loftier it still went to 30. I'm assuming there will be a patch at this point similar forza horizon for improve optimization. ~Update~ I decided to bump it up from 1080 to 1120 and bam I'm pushing over 60fps. So I judge I'll just play at that.

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I don't know what to tell you. Everything I've heard is that the game is incredibly well optimized.

Avatar image for zurv

Utilise DDU and reinstall the drivers for the game. I'm running cracking at 4k and 60+ fps

Avatar image for maginnovision

I tried the criterion concluding night and at all high @1080 it was 60fps, west/vsync. I bumped globe detail and a couple others to ultra and it was notwithstanding ok. I did disable SLI first though.

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Have you tried unlocking the framerate? Locking it even to 60 for me striking my framerate for no reason. Unlimited it'southward running awesome at Ultra in surround on 3 monitors, on a 980ti. I also noticed that resolution scaling caused weirdness for me initially, so maybe set up that to 100% or non 100% (who the fuck knows these days) to encounter if that helps.

Avatar image for spiceninja

I'g using a 970 with an AMD FX 8350 and 16GB of ram. The game runs at a solid 60fps with the Loftier preset and textures fix to Ultra. Just make certain your drivers are up to date and maybe use an over locker programme similar MSI Afterburner to monitor your GPU usage. Something could exist throttling it.

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R9 390 and an FX 8320 with 16 gb of ram, i'm getting 60 fps @1080p on the ultra preset. i'd say maybe practice a clean video driver install via uninstall your drivers, reboot, run driver cleaner, reboot once again, install latest drivers for your 970. Hope you lot get it figured out considering it's a swell port of a great game.

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My problems are not as bad as yours but I think the people saying this is well optimised just have awesome rigs. I have a i-5 4460 and a 1070 and it doesn't run great. It recommends everything on ultra just I have it attack high. It'south playable and nearly of the time fairly shine seventy- ninety fps, merely it can drop into the l'due south and even the xl'due south when in that location is a lot going on. Non even dropping the graphics right down really helped then I am guessing my cpu is just too wearisome.
Edit: I might accept sorted it out a flake, set it on high graphics,turned off the resolution scaling, v-sync and async compute, and so in nvidia command panel use 3d settings and change 3d settings to single monitor performance, maximum pre rendered frames i, and everything else on default . That seemed to keep me to a higher place 60, unless I merely got to a less demanding section, simply information technology seemed pretty hectic.

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Get twoscore - 60 on ultra with a 970


Gears of War 4 Fps Drops With Ribbons UPDATED

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